CS 247B: Storyboard + Wireflow

Dhruvik Parikh
2 min readFeb 23, 2021


After conducting the intervention study, we moved on to prototyping potential ideas that draw upon the lessons we learned. We used storyboarding and wireflowing to sketch out the potential ideas. Here is one of these ideas: Anchor. Anchor is an app that connects with your calendar in order to schedule anchors and wind-down activities, with the goal of improving one’s nighttime routine, ultimately leading to more sound sleep.



One of our primary observations during our user research was that college students do a great job of juggling various activities and commitments, by using task trackers and calendar apps. However, during nighttime, when they have more unstructured time, they often find themselves working or browsing social media late into the night, instead of using some kind of structured sleep routine, which studies show help people “wind down” for the night. In this storyboard, we visualize this problem, and show how Anchor is a natural solution to it.



Because we’re integrating with the user’s existing calendar app, the user interface for Anchor itself is pretty light. On sign up, the user is prompted to link their calendar, and then fill in a few basic items about their nighttime routine (to identify potential anchors) and wind-down activities they want to use. Then, we automatically fill out their calendar with the events. Every morning, we send a notification to ask them to fill out an optional survey about which activities they completed the previous night, and we can use this information to suggest changes in the activities and modify the scheduling to improve their outcomes.



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